Saturday 5 April 2014

Finally I've Completed Critical Literacy !

Hello there again and finally I think I'm going to the so called the end of this semester. To tell you all the truth yes it seems the end. However it is not the end of Critical Literacy. This is not The End !!

Since learning this subject I get a bit open minded towards the environment, I felt that people have their own belief in achieving something what they believe is right. Therefore this subject helps me to cope with the society within and thus helped me a lot in influencing or giving out ideas in a very appropriate and non-biased manner. 

It is human nature to seek culpability in the time of tragedy, it is sign of Strength to cry out against Faith, rather than bow one's head and succumb. Moreover,  Critical Literacy forged something of me, I have arrived to perform my charge towards this subject, instead of labeling this subject as redundant, it'll foster my skills as part of my service for a better self decision. Thus showing how to overcome the harshness of life itself.

By the way thank you and enjoy this video. Allah Protects.. 

Online Tutorial for Students ?

Greeting guys and welcome back again, thanks for being my loyal blog reader. Hahaha well today I got this new interesting topic based from New Straits Time stated that Perak is going to provide Online Tutorials for Students. At first glance it seems awesome and interesting for many reasons yet setbacks are present as well. Let me state my way point of view towards such matter.

First of all, lets talk the benefit of using this system towards the student. I believe by implement this sort of system can benefit the ministry of education for the usage of papers, chalk, any ink or whatsoever and cost of money can be saved greatly in such a way. Furthermore, students who involved in long distant learning can also benefited for this educational system as it provides a simple way out to earn knowledge and pursue their studies.

However, things need to be considered in many fields of aspects. I don't want students to be lazy and to dependent on the computer when learning something, life is just not worth it since learning also involves verbal communication and relationship between society should be maintained face to face or upfront to show one's commitment especially it involves a student and a teacher. Furthermore not every student in Perak or Malaysia can afford their own laptop to do online tutorial/studying and therefore conventional methods still do the trick, just look at us for instant, we are the product of the pass yet we became great to gone this far without any aid from technological advantages. Just please don't be lazy..

Well that's all from me regarding such state of concern and I hope people will take my statement positively and thus make proper amends in the future.

Thank You

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Flash of Pride! Striving for a Better Nation..

Assalamualaikum, hello  there and welcome back to my awesome blog. Today is a great day to express my joy and loyalty towards my beloved country, Malaysia. There are quite some points I would like to express my wonder towards Malaysia's achievement starting from the year 1957 up to 2014 which is now.

First of all, the Malaysian people despite are politically different in views but they share the same view of Malaysia, which is they care about the well being of the country. We live and enjoyed the celebration of many different kinds of cultural value within our society such as Deepavali, Wesak Day, Aidilfitri, Christmas, Chinese New Year and many more. We celebrate Merdeka or National Day to show our sense of unity and love towards our people and country.

In terms of economic growth and foreign investment we have expanded in a very speedy manner, just over 50 years of independence we had had many Malaysian geniuses that contribute to this factor such as Tajudin Ramli who lead Malaysia Airlines to its golden age and Tan Sri Azman Hashim who is the chairman of Am Bank Berhad owned billion Ringgits of financial assets. However unlike many other, one had put Malaysia on the map, that is our beloved Dr Mahathir Mohammed.

Dr Mahathir was a Legend in my point of view, he was the founder of Proton, he involved in the construction project of the Penang Bridge, Petronas Twin Tower, Kuala Lumpur International Airport KLIA and Putrajaya which will bring Malaysia on the world map and soon make Malaysia a fast economic growing country in the world. He personified the International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM), thus bringing Islam in Malaysia to a new level of  heights.

Now our new PM, Najib Razak is trying his best with the 1 Malaysian concept and I am looking forward to our nation 's success in achieving our Vision 2020 to become a modern country with a Intellectual sense of thinking among us as Malaysian.

May Justice Account in All Balance
Allah Protects



Saturday 29 March 2014

'Marrying Money' is the young women, older man...

Hey there and welcome to my blog again, then again I receive another Interesting topic started up of generalization or stereotyping, whatever it is it begins with this " 'Marrying Money' is the young women, older man... " 
'Marrying Money' is the young women, older man prefers 'Young Maidens' for themselves. If we look through this matter in a stereotypical way we can see clearly that young women just wanted the money in the older guy in a Porsche while that older guy wanted the pleasures of having that young woman  in his life. However if we look into this matter with a sense of generalization this is merely a coincidence, in societies not every older man prefers young women due to the fact that they are immature, childish and sometimes dumb which then they prefer an older women that are more subtle and understanding. Some women prefers younger man because of the same belief that both of them are having in terms of lifestyle, business etc.

On the contrary however, societies may still prefer younger women to be their wife-to-be for an older man and men prefer due to several reasons. An excerpt  from "How to Date Young Women" by R. Don Steele mentions that older man are more mature, understanding and are committed to a longer relationship and not just a factor of money or any other financial interest. Older woman would prefer young woman because young women are obedient, loyal and even though childish they are somewhat entertained with young woman to make their life colourful in a way or another.

In conclusion that belief that women are gold diggers towards older man are not necessary a truth. People have different reasons to choose the partners they like and happiness does not stems from money, but more onto commitments and objectives one pursue in life. 

-Thank You-


Friday 28 March 2014

Hope for Critical Literacy ? Hmm..

Hi there I'm new to critical Literacy, I know as I get a bit older things are getting rough especially the commitment towards education is meeting to its top demand. However, that doesn't stop someone as awesome as me to perform the best quality of achievement.

I realize that hoping to be the best is my main purpose for this subject, people do things with purpose, love with purpose, live with a purpose and even die with a purpose. Therefore I want to make a better person I am, I wanted to improvise myself for a better English Learning, being Emphatic in understanding others and most importantly, to learn the true meaning of HOPE. In life even the toughest, strong and fearless people can be thorn into pieces because the lost hope in the fight they gave their lives for, Christopher Columbus died as a broken man for he lost hope in finding Asia, and even a genius like Nikola Tesla ended up being a psychopath because he lost hope in the advancement of electricity.

Nevertheless awesome people who knows no fear, disappointment and even pain such as I can alter things and shape a better score for this particular subject, for I will not surrender, I shall not fail, for Allah is with me.. His guardian angels is with me.  Life comes to drown me with failures, but duty shall make life itself drown with attempts of failures.

Well that's all from me regarding the motives or so called 'Hope' for this particular subject.. Thanks for reading my blog may Allah guide us all in the Dunya' and the Hereafter.